UMi supports Digital Enterprise 3 to celebrate digital adoption across West Yorkshire

UMi supports Digital Enterprise 3 to celebrate digital adoption across West Yorkshire
Over the last few months, UMi has been working with Digital Enterprise to create a brochure which promotes its Digital Enterprise 3 Top 30 Campaign.
First established in 2016 with the purpose of providing support and grant funding to SMEs, the third iteration of Digital Enterprise (DE3) was launched in July 2023. Funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, DE3 provides access to much-needed funding and support to West Yorkshire SMEs in the form of match-funded grants. Over the past eight years Digital Enterprise have supported more than 2,500 businesses and awarded over £13.5m in funding.
This Top 30 campaign showcases the remarkable achievements of the businesses who received DE support. The brochure, which is both in-print and digital, delves into the success stories of 30 businesses which highlight the range of projects that have been funded.
From hardware to software, website development, customer relationship management (CRM) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to AI and cybersecurity, DE3 supports an array of digital projects that enable businesses to grow.
To help bring this publication to life, UMi has worked closely with the DE3 team to design the brochure and create its content – which includes 10 in-depth written and video case studies, photography, plus 20 half-page case studies.
The campaign concluded with a celebration event at Shears Yard in Leeds on the 21st November. The afternoon was filled with excitement as the 30 businesses involved, the DE3 team, UMi, and Cllr James Lewis, exchanged stories and engaged in networking opportunities.
UMi was also in attendance to support the event through photography, filming, and creating engaging video content which captured the spirit of the afternoon.
Suzanne McCreedy, Chief Commercial Officer at UMi said: “DE3 Top 30 is a fantastic campaign which celebrates digital adoption and transformation across West Yorkshire, all through the lens of these 30 inspiring businesses.
“It is a testament to what can be achieved through an ambition to grow when paired with the right funding solutions. Well done to the 30 businesses on all their achievements and to the Digtial Enterprise team for their efforts in supporting them, as well as for creating a brilliant wrap-up event.
“UMi believes in making a real difference, and through supporting this campaign and bringing this publication to life, I think we’ve done that, shining a spotlight on some very deserving individuals and businesses from the region.”
Check out the digital publication and find out more about DE3 and the Top 30 campaign.
If you’re interest to find out how UMi can support your campaign, let’s talk.