Youth project transforms LGBTQ+ lives with help from UMi

Derwentside Detached Youth Project, a charitable organisation based in Consett and Derwentside, has received a grant of over £4,600 from UMi to empower the LGBTQ+ community. The grant has been instrumental in creating a dynamic space for LGBTQ+ individuals, offering essential support for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
The project sustained Derwentside Detached Youth Project’s LGBTQ+ weekly drop-ins, held for 48 weeks annually. These sessions featured diverse activities such as workshops, residential stays, and community engagements. The primary focus was on enhancing the well-being of the participants.
The project addressed isolation by providing support services during weekly drop-ins. 15 newcomers, referred by schools and word of mouth, found solace and support.
Engaging in regular social activities, including drop-ins, weekend residential stays, and 10-pin bowling outings, 30 participants actively participated. 6 young people, for the first time, contributed to community events.
Thirty activities promoting healthy lifestyles, including workshops on healthy eating and budget-friendly cooking, were conducted during the drop-ins. 30 individuals reported significant improvements in physical, mental, and emotional health, finding a supportive community.
The project resonated with the theme of Rural Communities, fostering a sense of community and belonging among LGBTQ+ youth. The grant played a crucial role in boosting their confidence and enabling them to embrace their true selves.
Overcoming anonymity concerns among LGBTQ+ youth, the project maintained strict confidentiality. Advertising on social media, particularly Facebook, helped build trust, resulting in full attendance and successfully addressing initial hesitations.
The success of the grant has inspired the Derwentside Detached Youth Project to build on this experience. Several other projects are currently underway to support the LGBTQ+ community with previous participants, now actively volunteering for the project and contributing to its ongoing success.
This case study highlights the positive impact of the grant in empowering the LGBTQ+ community and fostering a sense of community and belonging among LGBTQ+ youth. The project’s success is a testament to the importance of providing support services to marginalised communities and the role of grants in enabling such initiatives. Thanks to UMi and the evident accomplishments achieved through this grant, the work will continue.
For more information, visit Derwentside Detached Youth Project.