{{ fundProvider }} and UMi Commercial Limited are the Data Controllers for the information you submit.
\r\n\tUMi Commercial Limited \"UMi\"; registered in England and Wales (Company no. 7227157) is delivering this scheme in partnership with Open North Foundation. You can read the Open North Foundation Privacy Policy by visiting their website: https://opennorthfoundation.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ONF-Privacy-Policy-Draft.pdf. UMi Commercial Limited is part of UMi; you can read UMi's full Privacy & Data Protection Policies by visiting our website: https://www.weareumi.co.uk/about-us/privacy-policy.
\r\n\tWe will use the information that you have provided for the following legitimate reasons:
\r\n\tAll storage of your personal data complies with data protection law and your information is protected.
\r\n\tWe will store your information securely for the duration required by our Funders, grant recipients will be informed of this retention period at the end of the project. The period is dependent on the date at which the final claim is submitted to the Managing Authority so the retention period will be unique to each project and this period cannot be specified at the outset.
\r\n\tYou may be able to obtain a copy of your personal data which is held in relation to this project by contacting UMi - for details on how to do this and to learn more about your other rights, please see https://www.weareumi.co.uk/about-us/privacy-policy.