Digital Enterprise Top 100 and 30 Campaign

These two campaigns showcased the remarkable achievements of the businesses who received Digital Enterprise (DE) support through two digital publications and an in-print version for DE30, as well as a wrap-up event for each project. Funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, DE provided access to much-needed funding and support to West Yorkshire SMEs in the form of match-funded grants.
UMi worked closely with the DE team to design the publications and create their multimedia content – which involved travelling around West Yorkshire to meet some of the businesses and working with numerous stakeholders to collaborate on content. UMi was also in attendance to support the events through photography, filming, and creating engaging video content which captured the spirit of the afternoon. UMi also organised the Top 100 event on behalf of DE. You can see the Top 100 digital publication here, and the Top 30 digital publication here.
In total, two campaigns were supported. In 2021, the Top 100 campaign brought together 100 businesses supported by the programme, each of which had a profile featured in the publication – some with larger two-page case studies – and multiple stakeholders ranging from funding organisations like councils in West Yorkshire to sponsors such as Digital Business Communication and Calder IT.
Then in 2024, in the space of three months, the Top 30 campaign was created from inception to the printing and delivery of 1000 copies in time for the event. As part of this, 10 in-depth written and video case studies, including photography, plus 20 half-page case studies were created.