Project Case Studies

MADE Festival
MADE is the UK’s premier business event for entrepreneurship and offers a brand new experience to educate, inspire and motivate early stage entrepreneurs and established business owners.
770 delegates, 12 speakers, 96% rated the event very good or excellent.

Enterprise M3 Growth Hub breaking the mould
Roya Croudace, director of the Enterprise M3 Growth Hub, outlines the Hub’s work focusing on the Surrey and Hampshire area surrounding the M3 corridor covered by the Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership and Growth Hub.
We live in one of the most economically buoyant regions in the UK, developing globally significant innovations while still retaining first ranking in the ‘quality of life’ category.

Innovation Construction Wales Index
Innovation drives our economy forwards, boosting productivity and opening new markets, which is why businesses put such emphasis on it.
According to a report on innovation from the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, NESTA, UK businesses invested £124bn in the intangible assets associated with innovation and R&D. This compares to the £93bn spent on tangible assets such as buildings, machines and vehicles.

Digital Innovation Report
The first ever digital enterprise 100 report is a true celebration of the pioneering innovation and digital transformations being achieved right now by businesses on our doorstep.
The Digital Enterprise Top 100 is run by UMi for the Digital Enterprise Programme, which provides funding, networking and training to more than 2,000 businesses across Leeds City Region. UMi is a delivery partner of the programme and created the campaign to identify and profile the wealth of dynamic and sophisticated businesses which are embracing new technologies.