Why did you partner with us?
ACOLINK is an end-to-end service provider that helps businesses of all sizes enter, navigate, and succeed in the Chinese market, embracing alternative strategies and an innovative approach. In building a unique network of strategic partners across the UK, Europe, and China, we have formed a robust partnership with UMi to create an enhanced platform that brings China's opportunities closer to UK businesses.
UMi, is the trusted source of information expertise and finance for entrepreneurs; ACOLINK is pioneering the change in ways of working with China. China’s market is vast and complex, and so is the system that supports it. We are a network hub of industry insight. Our cooperation with UMi enables us to deliver critical information to UK business wanting to create strong, sustainable, market-ready strategies - providing a clear understanding of China’s market to businesses across the country. We're united in our purpose to make opportunities happen, achieving great results by doing things differently.
What were your aims?
We want to make doing business with and in China more accessible, more straightforward and more rewarding. An important part of what we do is actively engaging in and promoting international trade and investment opportunities in the dynamic, high-growth Chinese consumer market. Our network spans both private and public sectors, including but not limited to buyers & distributors, leading organisations, as well as established government offices, ensuring that we are always current on developments in Chinese commerce trends, policies and regulations.
The aim, with this UMi partnership, was to consolidate accurate, up-to-date information to a greater audience. We wanted to promote new and attainable routes to businesses in China, with the support of a trusted and respected industry source. Our content is exclusive and reliable, and through UMi channels, we wanted it to be accessible.
What did you achieve?
Our partnership is a network hub of industry insight, delivered directly to UK businesses. We found the perfect medium and cooperation platform to relay fresh information and valuable insights. From the agencies making big waves, to China’s influential players revamping their approach and deconstructing the roles and responsibilities of Chinese government trade bodies, we have clarified aspects of Chinese commerce.
By joining forces with UMi on the prestigious PD Ports Northern Power House Awards and Scottish Export Awards we were able to directly engage with businesses that are committed to success, bringing commercial opportunities directly to them, encouraging building sustainable business relationships with China.
What impact hast the project or campaign had?
With teams based in the UK and across China, we provide on the ground support for businesses. Alongside a strong business network, ACOLINK is the official UK partner to two China central government agencies, InvestGo.cn and CIECC, and is now also the UK's exclusive delivery partner for an online E-commerce & New Retail training platform developed under the direction of the Ministry of Commerce. Together with the support of UMi, we successfully brought new, time-critical business information to a wider audience of UK businesses; empowering them to look at China with a fresh perspective.
What benefits have you had from collaborating with us?
Through our UMi collaboration and our concerted efforts to promote innovative exporting campaigns, we have gained a creative platform to relay market opportunities, to share exclusive, reliable content with new audiences and new mediums. Together we have been able to combine our experience and industry insight with the knowledge of what UK businesses need and want to hear, to create solutions and a content base that empowers firms to engage China’s market with confidence.
What have been some of the highlights of the partnership?
Seeing new businesses understand their potential in the China market, due to information gained from our LetsDoChina.org events with UMi, has been a real highlight in our partnership.
#LetsDoChina is brought to businesses with the support of UMi. These sessions are alternative, practical workshops to trading with China - packed with practical insights, solutions, and fresh updates of the industry.
At the heart of it, ACOLINK is a solution provider and an agile platform business designed to help British companies succeed in trading with and investing in China. With UMi, our aim has become even more accessible, while our common goal of making opportunities happen and delivering results by doing things differently helps reinforce our ethos of forging great sustainable partnerships.